Wallpaper Removal
Wallpaper removal is an great way to significantly change the appearance of your property. It can take a bunch of time and effort, but with the right tools and experience, you can remove wallpaper pretty quickly. It’s best to completely get rid of previous wallpaper before doing anything else to your wall, but certain kinds of wallpaper can be covered over with different wallpaper or just painted over. Covering up an old wallpaper saves money and time for sure, but not all kinds of wallpaper can or should be covered. Wallpapers with a texture or wallpapers that are made with certain kinds of surface treatments aren't good candidates to be covered over. Some kinds of wallpaper don’t let paint or glue to easily stick to them, ending up in a big mess, so it’s best to properly evaluate the old wallpaper before you try to cover it over.
El Paso Drywall Contractors has been called a top wallpaper removal company in the El Paso area, and we've been installing and removing wallpaper for years. Our experienced techs can inspect your wallpaper and let you know if covering it over is a good idea or if it is necessary to completely remove it first. We have the right equipment to make wallpaper removal as quick and painless as it can be, and we have qualified, experienced technicians who specialize in removing stubborn wallpaper.
If you need wallpaper installed or removed, reach out today and let us take care of your wallpaper needs to get you the look you really want in your property. We're ready to help!